AROMECurrently selected. AROME is a high resolution (2.5 km) weather forecast model which is used by various weather services in Europe. On the WZ, forecasts from Meteo France and the Norwegian Weather Service are shown for western Europe and northern Europe, respectively.
GFSThe selected variable and region is available, but not for 2024-09-22, 10:00. You will switch back to the first available time step. GFS is the global weather forecast model of the US weather service run at an internal resolution of 28 km. It offers a plethora of parameters for the next 15 days. Updated 4 times a day up to 384 hours ahead. The runs for the 0, 6, 12 and 18Z runs are usually coming in from 3:30, 9:30, 15:30 and 21:30 UTC, respectively.
6Sun 22 Sep 15:00
12Sun 22 Sep 21:00
18Mon 23 Sep 03:00
24Mon 23 Sep 09:00
30Mon 23 Sep 15:00
36Mon 23 Sep 21:00
42Tue 24 Sep 03:00
48Tue 24 Sep 09:00

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